Model Rosemary on her famous article "fight against domestic violence.
She quote
Growing Up In A Violence Home Can Mean A lot As A Child..
I Am Francis Rosemary
I See Couples Fight Over Little Issues All Their Life,And Most Of The Time The Wife Gets Injured Because There Isnt Strength For The Woman To Fight Back..
Domestic violence is a fight or violence by one person against another in a domestic setting,such as in marraige!
It is so common among the family, whereby the woman suffers the most part!
Nobody belives that domestic violence kills or it is detrimental to children.It can be so easy to ignore,has it happen mostly without any witness!!!
Yet,by publicly speaking out against domestic violence we can put a stop to it!
80% of marriage suffer from domestic violence whereby most women cant voice out while trying to save their marriage!
This must STOP!